Dead Dog Gallery


Stuart Mel Wilson

Stuart Mel Wilson’s work explores the absurdity and humor in the way we process this world. His artistic focus touches upon philosophical ideas such as the human experience, perception, interpretation, language, and the expressive power of art.

In his exhibition he explored the relationship between humans and the natural world, and how we project ourselves onto it with our human-centric perspective. Wilson playfully constructs narratives around objects and creates myths of perception and interpretation through his installations.

Through the creation of immersive environments, Wilson raises ideas about the relationship between art and its viewers. By using traditional techniques and transforming them into installations and sculptural works, the artist seeks to invite viewers into a space where they can engage with the artwork in a holistic and sensory manner. This intention aligns with the belief that art has the power to transcend literal language and communicate on a deeper, more experiential level.

By exploring these concepts, artists can provoke contemplation and invite viewers to reflect on their own relationship with the world, using art to curate a space for the viewer to immerse themselves.

"I found Stuart's work to be very inspiring, particularly how he played on phrases and sayings with a humorous tone. This was evident in the way he curated this exhibition, using props such as mirrors and toys."

Stuart delivered artist talks for Foundation students where he spoke about his artistic career and his time at Goldsmiths University in London.

One of the terms of the funding for this residency was to engage disadvantaged students with artists.


Missed the event?

Watch this video which aims to capture the exhibition, with interviews with the artist and students who were influenced by the experience.

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