Dead Dog Gallery


Bridges On The Tyne

August 2021 – January 2022

Will Robinson joined DSFC as our pilot Designer in Residence (DiR) from August 2021 until January 2022 where he was offered the position of full time Graphic Designer for the school.

Over the course of his residency, he shadowed our previous Graphic Designer Owen Waddington where he was able to work on briefs and design work for the school.

He also collaborated with Foundation students who engaged with our design team as part of a placement programme for their professional practice unit.


Instagram: @wi11_gd

“I really enjoyed being pushed out of my comfort zone and receiving one-to-one guidance on my artwork from a real designer, which was amazing!”

“It’s beneficial to have artists and designers in and around our working space as it gives us an insight into what we can do in the future!”


Bridges on the Tyne

November 2022

Will Robinson is a North East based Graphic Designer whose work explores branding for different products and companies. 

His hometown of Newcastle has not previously featured in his work therefore he took this residency opportunity to pay homage to the city.

The new body of work responded to the familiarity and heritage of the Newcastle bridges and explored their timeless structure through a series of new typefaces. 

Using lino, Will developed a series of traditional prints to accompany the typefaces.

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