Dead Dog Gallery


Since 2018, we have welcomed a diverse group of exciting practitioners. Through our artist and designers-in-residence programmes we aim to support emerging artists and designers as well as those with a more established creative practice. Developing sector skills within an educational context, our artists are supported in their professional practice.

With access to a well-resourced studio space, project flexibility and support in exhibiting their work, our resident artists and designers are also offered opportunities to engage with wider networks and professional development training events.

Our students benefit greatly from the opportunity to engage with our resident artists and designers. In addition to the anticipated outcomes of the residency, students are mentored, inspired and taught by our artists. 

Hosting this programme raises student aspiration and signposts viable careers within the arts. As a result, our students themselves model the ambitions and successes of the artists, creating a shared sense of belonging and creative culture.



finished space

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