Dead Dog Gallery

Jack Warren


January – June 2019

Jack Warren presented a selection of ceramic works created through his four-month residency at Durham Sixth Form Centre which explored the temporal qualities of clay.

Ceramics are traditionally viewed as a durable and permanent force which will last forever and are commonly associated with ancient and art history. 

Warren challenges the temporal and fragile nature of this medium by tearing, restructuring, adding stitches and pushing its material qualities to the limit.

Warren challenges the temporal and fragile nature of this medium by tearing, restructuring, adding stitches and pushing its material qualities to the limit.

“HE pushed me to think about my work in new ways. I hadn't worked with ceramics before, so his impact was significant on my final project and eventual grade. i wouldn't have taken this risk without his influence."



June 2019 

Ceramics are traditionally viewed as a durable and permanent force which will last forever and are commonly associated with ancient and art history.

Warren challenges the temporal and fragile nature of this medium by tearing, restructuring, adding stitches and pushing its material qualities to the limit.

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