Dead Dog Gallery



September 2021 – March 2022

Stuart Mel Wilson’s work explores the absurdity and the humor in the way we process this world; it seems that his artistic focus touches upon various philosophical ideas. One concept that can be explored is the relationship between humans and the natural world, and how we project ourselves onto it. 

This notion suggests that we tend to interpret the world primarily from a human-centric perspective, often considering our own experiences and beliefs as the default way of being. In addition, the idea of constructing narratives around objects and creating myths can be connected to the broader philosophical theme of perception and interpretation. 

We often assign meaning and significance to objects based on our own beliefs, experiences, and cultural background. This process of interpretation can shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. Stuart Mel Wilson’s work incorporates philosophical themes such as the human experience, perception, interpretation, language, and the expressive power of art. 

By exploring these concepts, artists can provoke contemplation and invite viewers to reflect on their own relationship with the world, using art to curate a space for the viewer to immerse themselves in doing this with traditional mark making processes. Then turn them into installation and sculptural works. with the intention to take over the make space.


Instagram: @stuartmelwilson

“his work was thought provoking and I have volunteered for the next exhibition in the Dead Dog Gallery.”

"I think the residency gives artists new opportunities and allows students to become inspired."

"I really like having the opportunity to gather suggestions from someone with experience within the real world."



February 2024 

In his exhibition he explored the relationship between humans and the natural world, and how we project ourselves onto it with our human-centric perspective. 

Wilson playfully constructs narratives around objects and creates myths of perception and interpretation through his installations.

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