Theresa Poulton
Concept or Outcome – Threads
Residency: September 2024 – March 2025

Theresa Poulton is an artist, curator and educator. Her paintings are a hybrid fusion of text and abstraction. Politically loaded, her typographical works are informed by lived experience and personal research.
Poulton is interested in how threads from the past inform present practice. These threads can manifest over a period of time, in physical works, thought processes, personal connections and interactions with those who inspire, influence, support or question creative practice.
Collaborating with students and staff, Poulton develops existing works and shared ideas, some of which are featured within this exhibition.
Instagram: @theresa.poulton
“Theresa’s residency within the department has led to spontaneous interactions with both staff and students in ways that have ignited collaboration. From the outset she has been a collector of conversation, inspiration and creativity.”
January 2025
Concept or outcome - threads
Poulton’s exhibition ‘Concept or Outcome – Threads’, is a small, retrospective exhibition that creates a flexible space for Poulton to reveal her thoughts on canvas, on paper, through digital representation and as site-specific works.
Abstracting, deconstructing and rearranging, Poulton revisits, through her signature use of geometric shape and colour, words that are politically loaded.